When I think of the perceptions in the world today, it is heartbreaking. There is such a lack of love and understanding for differences, differences that come from biological means. Others can offer things that I can't, physically and mentally. But there also things I can offer that they might not be able to. Does this make me inferior to them, or them to me? Of course not...
Gender. It is crazy and sad, how nerve wrecking it can be to post a certain word. In our world today we are taught that no matter your gender, male or female, we are the same. (What?! How does that even make sense?!) Webster's dictionary defines same as being "one without addition, change, or discontinuance". We are not the same and that is OKAY! Actually, it is better than just okay, it's great, amazing, wonderful, and exactly how God planned it. Men were made with the purpose of Presiding, Providing, and Protecting. Women were made with the intentions of Nurturing. This is not saying we can't overlap in these duties at all. Personally, I see this set up in a Venn Diagram like the one below.
This may not be the prettiest of graphs, as I am not artistically inclined especially on a computer. But I do believe this conveys the point very well. There are other things we can put in the diagram to emphasize the difference between men and women. Just focusing on these attributes though we can see that while we have our own sole purpose we can also contribute to the others. However, a women contribution and approach to presiding, providing, and protecting will be different than a mans. Just as the men's approach to nurturing may be different than a woman's.
I mentioned previously that this is exactly how God planned it. When he sent us here He gave men and women different attributes and abilities. President Spencer W. Kimbell weighed in on this saying:
“In his wisdom and mercy, our Father made men and women dependent on each other for the full flowering of their potential. Because their natures are somewhat different, they can complement each other; because they are in many ways alike, they can understand each other. Let neither envy the other for their differences; let both discern what is superficial and what is beautifully basic in those differences, and act accordingly” (“Relief Society—Its Promise and Potential,” Ensign, Mar. 1976, 5).
Men and women are different enough to complement and uplift each other to reach their full potential. But we are similar enough to understand one another. It is important that we can grasp this concept, to be able to respect and love one another. As we begin to recognize this as truth we can stop competing with our counterparts and instead, help each other to be their best self.
In an excerpt from a talk given by Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President in 2015, she made a few profound statements. Burton remarked:
"In a chapter about families, the Church handbook contains this statement: “The nature of male and female spirits is such that they complete each other.” Please note that it does not say “compete with each other” but “complete each other”! We are here to help, lift, and rejoice with each other as we try to become our very best selves. Sister Barbara B. Smith wisely taught, “There is so much more of happiness to be had when we can rejoice in another’s successes and not just in our own.”When we seek to “complete” rather than “compete,” it is so much easier to cheer each other on!"
As we go throughout our daily lives lets remember that we are not competing with those of the opposite gender. Both males and females possess different traits and instead of a rivalry, why not embrace them. Love what you can offer, and love what they can offer. We are meant to complement each other through our own unique characteristics. Take time to uplift qualities in the opposite gender that you may not have. Work to complete.
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