But not every date has to be an extreme battle against an enemy to be defined as a date. Webster's Dictionary defines a date as being "a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character." However, if we look at the world's view of a date it is quite different. We can see this by looking at Urban Dictionary's definition which is "An audition for sex". Which definition do you tend to lean towards when you think of a date? I for one don't ever want to "audition" for sex, I want to be seen as more than just an object.
More and more people are losing knowledge of the importance of dating, instead, we poke fun at the idea. All over social media, we see memes and post saying things like:
"I can't date you if you use the same perfume as my ex...Out here smelling like regrets.", "Sorry I can't date you if (A) you can't watch Disney movies with me, (B) you can't sing along with me when I'm grooving to Disney songs, (C) if you have no sense of humor, (D) don't cuddle." "I can't date you if you get too many likes on insta, I don't need that stress in my life." or "If you don't listen to Hank, Willie, Waylon, or Merle, I can't date you."
I understand these are created with the purpose of being a joke. But we still read them and they still sink in. I have had a few friends comment seriously saying "ugh he listens to country music, I could never date him now". If my husband had thoughts like this he would have never even dated me. If his interest in me was purely based on his music taste that interest wouldn't have gone far. But after being married for over a year now he has been able to influence me to listen to a lot more than the style I did when we first started dating.
Back to my point though, what is the importance of dating? The importance of dating can actually help us choose our spouse. It gives us skills and perspectives that would not have been gained without dating. Before meeting my husband I dated a lot of people, most of which were varying in personalities. While a few of them meant more to me than others, I am grateful for all of those who I had a chance to go on date with. Every single one of these men gave me insight into what I wanted in an eternal companion. Without my experiences through dating before marriage, I probably would not have chosen my husband. He is different than what I ever thought I wanted, but now he is exactly that... everything I want.
Still, with dating being important, there are several opting to "hang out" vs go on a date. Those opting to "hang out" offer some valid reasons as to why. Those include:
- Don't want to lead anyone on
- I'm more myself in a group
- It is less formal, less pressure
- Easier
- No commitment
- Less rejection
I am sure we could find more reasons as to why "hanging out" is better. But these are all temporary reasons, these reasons don't look at the bigger picture, growth. Dating prepares us for our future, with this person or not. I am not saying you have to date with the intentions of marriage and I am not saying you can't ever hang out. Dating is fun, serious or not. What I am saying though, going on dates gives us skills that we can not gain by "hanging out". In the future follow the 3 P's, make sure the date is planned, paid for, and be paired off, just like my husband and I did when we fought off robots in a Virtual Reality game. This will help you to learn more about yourself and help you know what you want in a future companion.